Many N95 masks are for sale in the market that are being bought by people daily, but, according to a survey, not even half of these masks met the standards of the N95 masks of filtering the particles. And the masks that actually did meet the N95 standard, most of them broke when being tried with simple structural tests. In these hard times of this COVID-19 pandemic, people are very much scared and are ready to take all the immediate and genuine precautions that can help them stay safe from the virus infection. These rules include being strictly at home until necessary, wash your hands every 20 mins, sanitize them frequently. And most importantly to wear a mask. The best mask that can give you maximum safety assurance is the N95 mask. This N95 mask has been primarily invented for the medical professionals and health care workers as they have to deal with the infected people directly and that too on a daily basis. This mask is said to filter out 95% of the particulate matter t...